Let me clear some air over the title of this series, by explaining in brief why it's so.
We didn't earn loads of Money as the founder(s) of "Wolve Electronics". We Earned Wisdom, or at least something which may look like Wisdom if polished properly and this article is all about that polished view, so that when we face what we faced then, we go fully armoured(pun intended, because i don't guarantee that we will face what we faced, I believe that from startup to startup the problems vary, and so do the solutions).
What is Wolve Electronics(W.E.)?
My blur vision for Wolve Electronics when I first started up on 08 september, 2019 was that it would be an "Ed Tech" startup and I set the expected road map which was laid out as
"We'll go from an hobby electronics e-commerce business(Very Similar to Robu.in) that will be the most affordable choice at any time in the market for our targeted customers to an embedded systems/robotics training business(super value if achieved, very similar to whitehatjr)"
W.E. at that time was a team of 5 good people.
Have We Failed?
When I look at W.E. I feel that we are standing on the edge of a cliff willing and ready to fall. Yet everyday I add one more initiative, and keep it alive. I suppose that, this is what founders/entrepreneurs do with what they love, they "initiate" and add to the life of their startup, so does me, every day/week/month.
Are we bankrupt?
We are not bankrupt, there were tiny pocket-size funds involved and it seems to me that we could earn them back. No public/private funds fell to our legacy, this was a small business to start, all it took was a small pizza-size contribution from 5 amazing people. All the value of this initiative lies in the experiences gained, but only if handled constructively.